PDF Kingdom Hearts 3 Game Guide Walkthrough and Strategy Guide Book Frank Seymore 9781798590676 Books

By Lynda Herring on Tuesday, May 28, 2019

PDF Kingdom Hearts 3 Game Guide Walkthrough and Strategy Guide Book Frank Seymore 9781798590676 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 157 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 3, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1798590670

Kingdom Hearts 3 Game Guide Walkthrough and Strategy Guide Book Frank Seymore 9781798590676 Books Reviews

  • Sorry, I'm a guidebook video game player. I don't spend as much time as a lot of people playing games - that work thing gets in the way. But when I do, I want to get as much accomplished in as little time as possible. It may take months for me to get through a game as some folks may finish quickly.

    With that...

    Purchased this guide. First off - wow. Welcome to micro-mini mode. The paperback is tiny. I can deal with the small print. It also seems to have a recycled look - maybe it came from recycled newspaper? It's all good. And there's no color. It's really basic. For the price, I can deal with that.

    As far as the guide - I like guides that walk me through the game and this does it in a basic fashion. But it's set up just to give you a basic overview of what you encounter and some real simple advice on how to plan. It doesn't give any advice from page to page. It does not tell you how to find things like hidden chests, food ingredients, etc. Just some basic info on what you will encounter, maybe limited advice on how to fight enemies.

    It does have separate sections in the book on finding the special Mickey's, etc. Few or no pictures. I have to resort to finding online more specific direction to find certain items.

    My personal preference would be - at minimum, to include a chest/ingredient/ special Mickey/etc., in the walk-through details, not a total count per map. I.E. - "after entering this new area past the save point look left for...".

    It's been easy enough to adapt to the guide by walking into a different area and read the overview. But I spend some time looking online for visual images on where to find items, etc.

    This is just not a usual guide like I look for. Game is easy enough so far - I just use the guide to get through the basics which I don't know if I really need. I'm doing a lot of online checking for specifics.

    Just seems a guide should include much more info so I can use a book and avoid getting online to find out other info so frequently.

    Added 3-29-19

    Made one edit above in paragraph 6.

    Close to being done with the game. Trying to minimize spoilers - give us some pages on what base stat levels are for various levels. Characters I can deal without, some other things would be helpful. I.E. - am I wasting time running around in "X" level building it. Yes, I'm having fun, granted. And the guide indicates what level "they" were at when they fought the next boss. But after advancing through some levels, only certain stats improve. Do they go up randomly? Am I topped out on a certain stat?

    My review stands at the same rating but I can say again so far this guide book is only helping a minimal amount, you can get better questions answered searching online.
  • Fake reviews?... well, see the background of these … errr.. reviewers //// watch out.
  • I bought this guide for my adult son and he is now addicted to it
  • Great product fast shipping!
  • This thing is amazing! I can’t imagine playing the game without it as it has a very detailed walkthrough and gives you step-by-step instructions.
  • Awesome for newer players who run into problems.
  • Very high quality, beautiful, excellent detail, perfectly organized, well-designed
  • If you need a guidebook for this fantastic game, this is the one you need.