Ebook L'uomo dai piedi di fauno Italian Edition edition by Vasco Mariotti Literature Fiction eBooks

By Lynda Herring on Tuesday, May 21, 2019

PDF Heart of a King Eileen Smith Books

Product details

  • Paperback 432 pages
  • Publisher Revell (April 30, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 080072240X

Heart of a King Eileen Smith Books Reviews

  • "You will never be all that he needs, dear girl. Only God can give us all that we need. Only He can feed the hungriest places in our soul."

    Jill Eileen Smith is a master storyteller of Biblical fiction. Her research is detailed, her is writing exquisite, and her renderings of the Biblical stories that we know well are so fresh, thought-provoking, powerful and unforgettable. From the prelude, she will pull you into the world of a thriving and prosperous Israel near the end of King David's reign with sights, sounds, smells, and tastes that are so vivid and tangible. This book is a little different from the others I have read by the author in that Solomon is the central character holding the story together while the four featured wives have their own stories that intermingle with Solomon's life and in each others'. I did not read the four previously published novellas of the four wives from where this particular book was drawn from but thoroughly enjoyed the book. The book flows well to encompass Solomon's life from being a prince, to the celebrated wise king, to an older, more experienced king who has much to repent. It doesn't feel like a compilation of previous novellas and apparently is different from the novellas in the approach and presentation. I can't believe how much anticipatory angst I had while devouring the book when I already know the ending! Such is the skill of Jill Eileen Smith. If you're a fan of Biblical fiction, this book is a must-read!

    The four wives and their characters showed the complex man Solomon was underneath his wisdom, love for beauty and women, and passion. Naamah, his first wife and mother of his heir, was his first political obligation and passion of his youth though he didn't love her as much as she loved him. Abishag shared his curiosity, joy in song and poetry, and offered him comfort and unconditional acceptance. Siti, an Egpytian princess, captured him with her exotic beauty and intelligence that challenged his belief in One God. Nicaula, the Queen of Sheba, sought to learn from Solomon's wisdom and, in return, learned about Solomon's One True God and sacrificial love. The incorporation of David and Bathsheba into the story at the beginning was also quite delightful.

    Solomon, though having experienced real love from God, unfortunately let his passions rule unchecked and trusted the gift instead of the Giver. His story is poignant and heart-breaking, but surprisingly hopeful. This book is not just about the loves of King Solomon but is a journey of the heart and faith - for Solomon and for his wives.

    I received a copy of the book from Baker Publishing and was under no obligation to post a positive review. All comments and opinions are solely my own.
  • Jill Eileen Smith brings biblical characters and culture to life unmatched by other writers.  Her research into history and culture is proven in the stories she tells that bring the famous stories from the Bible alive.  

    Her newest work, "The Heart of a King", tells the story of King Solomon, the king who asked for wisdom from God and received it and so much more.  King Solomon was the son of King David and Bathsheba who was the wife of Uriah.  The Bible tells of Solomon's birth in 2 Samuel 1224. Even though Solomon was the result of a relationship that was not ordained by God, 2 Samuel tells us that the Lord loved Solomon.  Even as an infant, Solomon's heart was full. God knew the man he would become and prepared him.

    Smith's story of how Solomon followed God, loved his wives and continued to fulfill his duties as God's chosen king gives us a look inside a man whose heart was filled with abundance struggled with his love of God and his love of women and his throne.  The Bible doesn't tell us much about Solomon's wives. In fact, I couldn't find any Scriptures that named Solomon's wives. But Smith has captured the essence of what several of his wives might have thought and felt as Solomon continued to add wives to his harem. 

    While the story is purely fictional, Smith allows us to imagine, just for a moment, what it was like to live in the time of Solomon. She gives us fodder to chew on as we look at Solomon as a human being who struggled with being human while trying to please God especially before Christ became our mediator.   Solomon may have tried harder than we realize not to allow foreign women to influence his relationship with God. Maybe he thought they would come to know God and love Him as much as He did. For whatever reason, he allowed his foreign wives to worship their own gods which, in turn, led the Israelites astray. 

    Every book Jill Eileen Smith writes is better than the last. Not only do they tell a story, each book shares an important biblical truth. I can't wait to see who decorates the cover of her next book.    

    Disclosure of Material Connection I received this book free as part of Jill Eileen Smith’s “Heart of a King” Launch Team.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”